
Company Policy

Archival Policy
Code of Conduct for Directors & Senior Management
Policy On Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor & Report Trading by Designated Persons
Code of Practices & Procedure for Fair Disclosure of UPSI
Duplicate Share Certificate Policy
Familiarization Programme for Independent Directors
Letter of Appointment of Independent Director
Nomination and Remuneration Policy
Policy for determining Material Subsidiary
Policy for determination of Materiality of Event or Information
Policy of preservation of documents
Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions and on dealing with Related Party Transactions
Policy on Risk Management
Whistle Blower Policy


Statement of Deviation & Variation_Reg 32_Qtr ended 31.12.2024
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 08.02.2025
Trading Window Closure Notice_30.12.2024
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_30.12.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_20112024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.11.2024
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 14.11.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_07.11.2024
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 22.10.2024
Revised Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 18.10.2024
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 18.10.2024
Intimation for receipt of In-principle approval_Preferential Issue_10.10.2024
EGM_Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report
Proceedings of EGM_05.10.2024
Trading Window Closure Notice_30.09.2024
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_30.09.2024
PCS Certificate on Pricing of Issue
PCS Certificate Requirement of Chapter V
Submission of Newspaper Advt_EGM_13.09.2024
Notice of EGM to be held on 05.10.2024
Intimation of Board Meeting & Trading Window Closure_05.09.2024
Intimation for launch of new brand logo_03.09.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12.08.2024
Proceedings of 35th AGM_Reg 30_24.08.2024
35th AGM_Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2024
Notice of 35th AGM to be held on 24.08.2024
Submission of Newspaper Advt_35th AGM _24.07.2024
Intimation for Appointment of CFO_13.07.2024
Intimation for Appointment of Additional Director_13.07.2024
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2024
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_29.06.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_24.06.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_21.06.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_13.06.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_05.06.2024
Resignation letter of Independent Director_03.06.2024
Intimation for Appointment of Additional Director_28.05.2024
Intimation for Resignation of Independent Director_28.05.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 28.05.2024
Secretarial Compliance_Report_FY_31032024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_28.05.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_22.05.2024
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 28.05.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_09.05.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_01.05.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_18.04.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_11.04.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_09.04.2024
Intimation for Resignation of CFO_08.04.2024


Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.03.2024
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.03.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_29.03.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_06.03.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_13.02.2024
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 10.02.2024
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_12.01.2024
Trading Window Closure Notice__Qtr ended 31.12.2023
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window__Qtr ended 31.12.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_27.12.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_22.12.2023
Intimation for appointment of Company Secretary_09.12.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_04.12.2023
Intimation for demise of Independent Director_04.12.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_18.11.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 04.11.2023
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 04.11.2023
Intimation for Resignation of Company Secretary_06.10.2023
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.09.2023
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.09.2023
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 34th AGM_29.09.2023
Brief details of Amendments to MOA_Reg 30_29.09.2023
Proceedings of 34th AGM_Reg 30_29.09.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_28.09.2023
Submission of Newspaper Advt_34th AGM_06.09.2023
Notice of 34th AGM to be held on 29.09.2023
Submission of Newspaper Advt_34th AGM_01.09.2023
Intimation for Resignation of Independent Director_22.08.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12.08.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_11.08.2023
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2023
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2023
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2023
Secretarial Compliance_Report_FY_31.03.2023
Disclosure of RPT for half year ended 31.03.2023
Intimation for Appointment of Additional Director_29.05.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 29.05.2023
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 29.05.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_26.04.2023


Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.03.2023
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.03.2023
Intimation for Appointment of Company Secretary_25.03.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_25.03.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_07.03.2023
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_04.03.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.02.2023
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 14.02.2023
Intimation for Appointment of CFO_12.01.2023
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_30.12.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.11.2022
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 14.11.2022
Intimation for Resignation of CS_30.09.2022
Proceedings of 33rd AGM_Reg 30_29.09.2022
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_30.09.2022
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 33rd AGM
Submission of Newspaper Advt_33rd AGM_07.09.2022
Notice of 33rd AGM to be held on 29.09.2022_Reg 30
Submission of Newspaper Advt_33rd AGM_31.08.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_24.08.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13.08.2022
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 13.08.2022
Intimation for Resignation of Chief Financial Officer_15.07.2022
Intimation for Appointment of Company Secretary_15.07.2022
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2022
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2022
Non-Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half Year ended 31.03.2022
Intimation for Re-appointment of Statutory Auditors_27.05.2022
Intimation for Resignation of Company Secretary_27.05.2022
Statement of Deviation & Variation_Reg 32_Qtr ended 31.03.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 27.05.2022
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 27.05.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_18.05.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_10.05.2022
Submission of Newspaper Advt_Forfeiture & Cancellation of Shares_Reg 30
Submission of letter dispatched to the shareholders for forfeiture of shares_Reg 30
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_01.04.2022Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.11.2022


Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.03.2022
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.03.2022
Clarification on Price Movement_24.03.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_22.03.2022
Outcome of Circular Resolution passed by the Board of Directors on 11.03.2022
Statement of Deviation & Variation_Reg 32_Qtr ended 31.12.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12.02.2022
Intimation of commencement of commercial production at Kheda unit_09.02.2022
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 08.02.2022
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.02.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_21.01.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_18.01.2022
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 11.01.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_08.01.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_07.01.2022
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_06.01.2022
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.12.2021
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.12.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_31.12.2021
Clarification on Price Movement_30.12.20212022
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 27.12.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_21.12.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_18.12.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_15.12.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_08.12.2021
Submission of Newspaper Advt_First & Final Call Notice_Reg 30
Submission of First & Final Call Notice_Reg 30
Non-Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half Year ended 30.09.2021
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 20.11.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12.11.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_12.11.2021
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.11.2021
Intimation of Record Date_Reg 42_SEBI LODR Reg, 2015_28.10.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 28.10.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_27.10.2021
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 28.10.2021
Submission of Advt_Basis of Allotment_Rights Issue_Kolkata edition_Reg 30
Submission of Advt_Basis of Allotment_Rights Issue_Reg 30
Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulations_09.10.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_09.10.2021
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 06.10.2021
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.09.2021
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.09.2021
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 32nd AGM
Proceedings of 32nd AGM_Reg 30_29.09.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_24.09.2021
Submission of Advt_Extn of Issue Closing Date_Rights Issue_Reg 30
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 08.09.2021
Submission of Newspaper Advt_32nd AGM_07.09.2021
Notice of 32nd AGM to be held on 29.09.2021_Reg 30
Submission of Newspaper Advt_32nd AGM_04.09.2021
Submission of Pre-Issue Advt._Rights Issue_Reg 30
Intimation about Credit Rating_25.08.2021
Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulations_19.08.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13.08.2021
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 12.08.2021
Intimation of revised Record Date- Rights Issue
Intimation of Record Date & ISIN for REs- Rights Issue
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 13.08.2021
Outcome of Committee Meeting held on 06.08.2021
Intimation of Committee Meeting to be held on 06.08.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_17.07.2021
Non-Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half year ended 31.03.2021
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2021
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2021
Intimation for further update on expansion plan_29.06.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 29.06.2021
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 29.06.2021
Intimation for approval of Draft Letter of Offer_Rights Issue
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_17.06.2021
Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulations_Pledge_10.06.2021
Disclosure_ Reg 31(1) read with Reg 28(3)_SEBI (SAST) Regulations
Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulation_Seller_02.06.2021
Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulation_Acquirer_02.06.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 08.05.2021
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 08.05.2021
Clarification on Price Movement


Disclosure_Reg 7(2)_SEBI (PIT) Regulation_31.03.2021
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.03.2021
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.03.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_04.03.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI LODR Reg. 2015_24.02.2021
Intimation for update on expansion plan_09.02.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 09.02.2021
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 09.02.2021
Intimation for receipt of Award of Sustainability_30.01.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_22.01.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_19.01.2021
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_12.01.2021
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.12.2020
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.12.2020
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_29.12.2020
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_24.12.2020
Non Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half year ended 30.09.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 11.11.2020
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 11.11.2020
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of Postal Ballot_30.10.2020
Brief details of amendments to MOA and AOA_Reg 30_30.10.2020
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.09.2020
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.09.2020
Submission of copies of Newspaper Advt_Reg 30_30.09.2020
Notice of Postal Ballot dated 22.09.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting_22.09.2020
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 31st AGM
Proceedings of 31st AGM_Reg 30_29.08.2020
Intimation under Reg 39(3) of SEBI (LODR) Reg, 2015_27.08.2020
Submission of copies of Newspaper Advt_Reg 30_07.08.2020
Notice of 31st AGM to be held on 29.08.2020
Submission of copies of Newspaper Advt_Reg 30_04.08.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 25.07.2020
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 25.07.2020
Non Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half year ended 31.03.2020
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2020
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2020
Disclosure of Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic_27.06.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 27.06.2020
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 27.06.2020
Intimation for resumption of Company’s Operations_21.05.2020
Intimation for Status of Plant Operations_25.04.2020


Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.03.2020
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.03.2020
Intimation for Closure of Regd office & Production facilities_27.03.2020
Intimation regarding proposed Expansion Plan_03.02.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 03.02.2020
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 03.02.2020
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 31.12.2019
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 31.12.2019
Non Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_Half year ended 30.09.19
Outcome Of Board Meeting held on 11.11.2019
Submission of copy of Newspaper Advertisement_Reg 30_08.11.2019
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 11.11.2019
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.09.2019
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.09.2019
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 30th AGM
Proceedings of 30th AGM_Reg 30
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 10.08.2019
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 10.08.2019
Submission of copies of Newspaper Advertisement_Reg 30_17.07.2019
Notice of 30th AGM to be held on 10.08.2019
Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2019
Trading Window Closure Notice_Qtr ended 30.06.2019
Non Applicability Letter_Reg 23(9)_BSE_Half year ended 31.03.2019
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 19.06.2019
Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 19.06.2019
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 27.05.2019
Intimation for Change of Venue of BM to be held on 27.05.2019
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 27.05.2019
Submission of copies of Newspaper Advertisement_Reg 30_20.04.2019
Intimation regarding launch of new product
Trading Window Closure Notice


Intimation under Regulation 8(2) SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of Second Reminder to shareholders for KYC updation
Registration of Liaison Office in China
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 31.01.2019
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 31.01.2019
Intimation for Early Redemption of Preference Shares_27.11.2018
Intimation for Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates_17.11.2018
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12.11.2018
Intimation for Early Redemption of Preference Shares under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.11.2018
Intimation for First Reminder to shareholders for KYC updation
Intimation of appointment of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of resignation of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 29th AGM
Outcome of 29th Annual General Meeting
Intimation for taking premises on rent for Warehouse Purpose at Pune Maharashtra
Intimation of receipt of request for duplicate share certificate
Intimation of Newspaper Publication pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of facility of e-voting provided to the Shareholders pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of book closure period for the purpose of Annual General Meeting pursuant to Regulation 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of Dispatch of letters to the Shareholders pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Notice of 29th Annual General Meeting pursuant to SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 31.07.2018
Notice of the Board Meeting for approval of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended on 30th June, 2018
Intimation of early redemption of 2,50,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 10/- under Regulation 30(2) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Intimation of Incorporation of New Wholly Owned Subsidiary “M/s Texel Industries (Africa) Limited” of the Company
Intimation for Appointment of CFO and Company Secretary
Reply to the Discrepancies raised by BSE in Audited Financial Result for the quarter and year ended 31.03.2018
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 23.05.2018
Board Meeting For Approval Of Audited Financial Result For Quarter Ended On 31st March 2018


Intimation for Early Redemption of 500000 Preference Shares on 06.02.2018
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 31.01.2018
Intimation for Resignation of CFO w.e.f 23.01.2018
Intimation for Resignation of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer w.e.f 23.01.2018
Board Meeting For Appoval Of Un-Audited Financial Result For Quater Ended On 31st-December-2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 50000 Preference Shares on 01.12.2017
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 06.11.2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 50000 Preference Shares on 27.10.2017
Board Meeting For Appoval Of Un-Audited Financial Result For Quater Ended On 30th-September-2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 200000 Preference Shares on 25.09.2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 100000 Preference Shares on 20.09.2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 300000 Preference Shares on 08.09.2017
Intimation for Early Redemption of 500000 Preference Shares on 29.08.2017
Final Scrutnizer Report
Outcome Of The 28th AGM Aug – 2017
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 10.08.2017
Notice Of The 28th Annual General Meeting 2017
Board Meeting For Appoval Of Un-Audited Financial Result For Quater Ended On 30th-June-2017
Intimation for Appointment of CFO w.e.f 27.05.2017
Resignation of CFO & Company Secretary and Redesignation of Assistant Company Secretary


Outcome of Board Meeting held on 27.05.2017
Reply to the Discrepancies raised by BSE for the Audited Financial Result for the quarter and year ended 31.03.2017
Notice Of Board Meeting March-2017
Order of Honorable High Court dated 25.01.2017
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 24.01.2017
Intimation for Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Board Meeting For Appoval Of Un-Audited Financial Result For Quater Ended On 31st-Dec-2016
Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR) Regulation 2015 for Allotment of Preference Share
BIFR Order For De-Registration Of The Company Nov-2016
BIFR Order For Discharge Of BIFR Sp.Director Nov-2016
Notice Of Board Meeting For Approval Of Un-Audited Financial Result Sep-2016
Outcome of 27th Annual General Meeting
Scrutinisers Report of 27th Annual General Meeting
Notice Of The 27th Annual General Meeting 2016
Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR) Regulation 2015 for Tri Party Agreement
Order of Honorable Gujarat High Court for confirmation of Capital Reduction Aug-2016
Notice Of Board Meeting For Approval Of Un-Audited Financial Result Jun-16


Intimation for adjournment of BM for Quarter ended 31.03.2016
Notice Of Board Meeting 06.08.2016 to BSE
Notice of Board Meeting for Approval of Audited Financial Result of Quarter ended 31.03.2016
Outcome of Board Meeting for Approval of Audited Financial Result ended 31.03.2016
Notice Of Board Meeting D.T.D. 21-05-2016 For Appoval Of Financial Result 2015-2016
Notice Of Board Meeting For Approval Of Un-Audited Financial Result Dec – 2015
Outcome of 26th Annual General Meeting
Scrutinizer Report of 26th Annual General Meeting
Voting Result of 26th Annual General Meeting
Notice Of The 26th Annual General Meeting 2015-2016
Notice of Board Meeting for Approval of Unaudited Financial Result of Quarter and Half Year ended 30.09.2015
Notice of Board Meeting for Approval of Unaudited Financial Result of Quarter ended 30.06.2015
BIFR Sanctioned Scheme (SS) 2015-2016